Declutter your mind: Free up your mental space

The dictionary definition of decluttering is the elimination of unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded space.

The process can be applied to tangible physical items in your home or workplace, such as books, furniture, clothes, etc.

Decluttering can also be implemented on intangible things, such as negative thoughts, worries, and responsibilities, that constantly occupy your mind. A calendar crammed with too many commitments, or people making unnecessary demands on your time and attention, can become overwhelming and cause anxiety.

A cluttered mind is restless and unfocused.

It tries to move in many different directions at once and the result is that very little gets done.

Mental clutter can include all of the following: worrying about the future; ruminating about the past; keeping a mental to-do list; complaints; and so on. Fortunately, there are strategies and techniques you can use to clean out some space in your head.

Negative Consequences of Mental Clutter

Potential consequences of serious hoarding include safety and health concerns. It can also lead to relationship struggles, isolation, and the incapacity to perform daily chores such as cooking and bathing.

Someone with a cluttered mind may exhibit the following:

  • Inability to throw away possessions

  • Severe anxiety when attempting to discard items

  • Difficulty organizing possessions

  • Distress or embarrassment about the number of personal possessions

  • Suspicion of other people touching items

  • Fear of running out of an item or of needing it in the future

  • Functional impairments, including loss of living space, social isolation, family or marital discord, and financial difficulties

Declutter Your Mind

Below are some ways to declutter your mind, in the attempt to improve your overall well-being:

  • Do a digital detox: Take a break from social media, turn off your phone notifications, delete any unnecessary apps on your phone, and limit screen time.

  • Keep a strong support system: Your friends and family who support you are important so keep them close and rely on them. If you have people in your life who exhibit negative energy or who bring you down then it is time to get rid of them. Toxic relationships are one of the biggest narrators of mental clutter.

  • Adopt healthy lifestyle decisions: Exercise daily, avoid sugary and processed snacks, drink lots of water, limit alcohol and caffeine, and adopt a healthy sleep routine.

Mental clutter leads to overcrowding in our inner world. It gets in the way of being able to think clearly and to focus on what truly matters. It is time to live your best life by decluttering your mind.

You can get started today!

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